tel.: +421 907 038 763

About us & Services

Dopravia, s. r. o. was founded on 01.04.2010 and from the first day we offer our clients professional solutions at a high level.The experiences gained in the past provide our clients with the comfort, security and the desired effect. We are proud of what we have achieved in this short period and we can present our selfs to you as a reliable partner in dealing with the logistics and organization of oversized and heavy transport.

Oversized and heavy logistics is a special segment of logistics, providing transportation of everything that a standard truck transport cant not handle. Construction, construction machinery, agricultural machinery, tanks, presses, towers, generators, stators, rails, pipes .. we could say that oversized and heavy logistics concerns us every day. Therefore, we are here for you in order to achieve our goals successfully.

Planning is essential for success. Without planning we woud live as a children. Today, however, our goals are meaningful, specific and require training. We can help you with that! Schedule of the event, ranging from removing equipment, transfer from halls to crane, loading and transportation through to the end consumer.

When transporting whether more extreme loads or in locations that are not proven by time we offer to survey the route. Simply by whether or under what conditions it is possible to achieve transport of oversized or heavy loads until the desired effect.

Where do you can transport your cargo?

Everywhere! One of the results of our previous and current work is the geographical coverage. The quality that we offer to our clients, we can guarantee especially in the countries where we have our partners and we call them home, or branch. We are talking about the Slovak Republic, Czech Republic, Poland, Austria, Italy, Sweden, Hungary, Romania and of course Germany. Options and hence especially prices can really satisfy a wide clientele in need of a ride its oversized cargo.

The coverage map of ours transport services »

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